Luxmens 3D artistic bricks –  Delicate balance between aesthetics and environment

Climate changes. Summers getting hotter, storms more frequent and unpredictable. Tropical winters with humid cold are on and off. Not to mention subside effects to the economic, to our bills.

Luxmens 3D artistic bricks all about that thought. How a normal wall could take a higher step; making more fresh air with much better look in according to high expectation for such facades. Moreover, eco-friendly standard from input materials to product lines to reduce plastic wastes, raw clay, sand, water… even oxygen in each and every products square meter.

To balance the cost on each facade, Luxmens could commit your satisfaction that our mission. The only and the first 3D artistic bricks in Asia, creating and developing by Luxmens.


Please select Product Catergory


Location evaluation

Step 1: LUXMENS’s staffs will come and collect relevant evaluations. From numbers, concept to actual customers need.

Consulting and Quotation

Step 2: LUXMENS will come up with matching facade type, design and surface enhancement. Quotation will be sent after that.

Contract approving

Step 3: Contract approving and signing based on relevant information.

Installation & warranty

Step 4: LUXMENS will do the installation according to the signed schedule. The process of acceptance – payment – warranty will follow company policy.